Thursday, January 31, 2013

An open letter to Darryl Strawberry:

Dear God man!!!!

Enough is enough. The time has come for you to finally take responsibility for your life and take the necessary steps to achieve the peace that has for so long eluded you. You’ve had plenty of chances. Time and time again, you have been afforded ample opportunity and squandered it each time. I think I speak for the majority when I say that you’ve disappointed us all again.

You wasted another perfectly good opportunity to kill yourself.

Face it man. That is what is it ultimately coming to. What gets me is that you’ve been so close so many times. You’ve been given so many more excellent chances that most people only wish that they could get. And let me tell you, people who have far less resources than you have made their chances count. There have been multiple occasions in which we all though that you were finally going to overcome your problems and do what must be done.

Yet, you continue to live.

C’mon. What are you waiting for? You have every reason to want to. You have wasted your career in professional baseball. You’ll never be a hall of famer. You display a total lack of willpower. Plus, you occasionally experiment with drugs. You have colon cancer, my friend! Shall I go on?

Yet, you keep participating in this drawn out struggle. Every time that you are in the papers, I say to myself, “This will be the last time.” We all wish for a happy ending for you. We want your suffering to stop.

So kill yourself.

If it’s a matter of seeking out help, by all means, seek it out. It’s time. You have our support. If there is any way I can assist you, don’t hesitate to ask. Maybe that’s the problem. You have this problem accepting responsibility. Is that it? In which case, a quick call to Dr. Kevorkian takes most of the responsibility right out of your hands.

Whatever you do, don’t quit Darryl. If you truly believe in yourself, I know that you can make your death a reality. I can’t speak for everyone, but I do know I’ll never stop believing in you. Someday, you’ll get past all of these stumbling blocks that you seem to keep hitting and you’ll get it right. Someday, you’ll make it.

I’m sure you’ll do the right thing (this time).